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    Allegedly Weak Supervision So Free Cheating in Hotels in Bekasi Ci

    Selasa, 15 Agustus 2023, Agustus 15, 2023 WIB Last Updated 2023-08-15T07:02:48Z
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    KupasFakta.Com, (Bekasi City) - Weak supervision from related parties from the Bekasi City Government towards hotels in the Bekasi City environment which are considered to have changed functions which has resulted in rampant allegations of infidelity at hotels which have resulted in divorce between husband and wife. This case often occurs, not even a few married couples who experience the divorce.

    The recent divorce rate is quite high, which is suspected to be caused by quite sophisticated social media which is misused, where the sophistication of technology is now made a communication tool for couples who are in love to enter or check in to a hotel, even if they are not muhrim. they or the cheating partner were so free to check in to the hotel that it was unexpected that there was an inspection from the hotel clerk who did not want to question the identity of the guests who were going to stay.

    Guests who enter (check in) the hotel are suspected of being abused by johns, because the hotel's real function is to be a place to rest for those who are tired from a long trip. But the fact that the hotel was allegedly made into a place for an affair. the hotel clerk was allegedly negligent in releasing guests who entered pairs without checking the identity of guests who wanted to stay at the hotel. That is, if a person or a couple of guests enter the hotel, their identity should be asked first.

    If the guest is a couple with different addresses but enters the same room, it needs to be questioned. But people in pairs with the same address can be sure the husband and wife are resting at the hotel. And if the male and female partners have different addresses, questions will arise, not the muhrim, said the General Chairperson (Ketum) of the DPP Forkorindo Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Bekasi City Tohom Sinaga SE, SH, MM to this media.

    In the opinion of a general chairman of forkorindo, Tohom Sinaga SE.SH.MM, addressing the high rate of divorce of household couples at this time, he criticized the free cheating spouses who could freely check in to hotel rooms and without showing identity to the suspected hotel staffdeliberately turning a blind eye for the benefit of his hotel business.meanwhile according to Tohom according to the regulations of the Ministry of Tourism this is not exempt and it is not allowed to accept guests who are in pairs without showing a marriage identity.

    It is said, it is suspected that almost all hotels in Bekasi City have run from the rules so that their function has changed from their actual function. where the hotel is alleged to have been made a place for Esek-Esek. This situation has been going on for a long time without any intention of improving how the hotel returns to its function as a place to rest, not for allegations of high-level affairs. this all happened because of allegedly weak supervision from the Municipal Government of Bekasi and other related parties.

    Why do star hotels allow non-husband and wife couples to sleep in one room? the reason is, such hotel staff usually will not care if you are married, newly married or just dating. They will treat you like any other guest. In general, star hotel staff have also received training on guest service hospitality before going into the field because guest satisfaction is the most important thing, said Tohom.

    Asking someone to show their KTP or identity card when submitting a hotel booking application also has no legal basis to regulate it. however, in Article 516 of the Criminal Code (KUHP), it is stated that there are provisions for sanctions for hotel or lodging owners who do not hold a list of guest identities or do not order their guests to write their name, occupation, or place of residence when staying at the hotelhers.

    Property possession asset proprietorship fate goodwill not only to avoid having an illegitimate partner staying in the same room, the requirement to book a hotel by showing this KTP is also needed to avoid fugitives or crimes that might occur in the hotel. The reason is, ordering hotel rooms can now be done in various ways, through travel agents, ordering rooms directly, booking by telephone, or making online reservations through Online Travel Agents (OTA), added Tohom.

    If you see the rampant allegations of extramarital affairs at various hotels in Bekasi City, without any supervision from the local government, cq the Tourism Office and other related parties, a skewed perception arises from the public, what's wrong with the Bekasi City Government, which is considered to have allowed the affair to happenallegedly in various jasmine hotels in Bekasi City.does the Municipal Government of Bekasi not see the many divorces in the Religious Courts where most of the divorces occur as a result of the affair.

    Therefore, the Ketum DPP FORKORINDO Bekasi City, Tohom Sinaga SE, SH, MM asked the Mayor of Bekasi to take action against the alleged change in the function of the hotel, which was supposed to be a place to rest, into an alleged place for the affair of the johns. the mayor of Bekasi should be able to see the number of divorces between husband and wife that are so common, said Tohom. (Editorial Team)


